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Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

  • August 13, 2022


It is the traditional and natural medicine system that uses to treatment of any disease by herb which by we stay connected with nature,

and also it is not harmful for us. Ayurveda is the branch of science, which describes the diseases caused to the human body & all methods

are available in this that how to free from diseases. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits . It gives us healthy and long life. This is the

holistic system of maintenance of health and curing of any diseases.

According to Ayurveda the human body is combination of five Fundamental elements (Panch Mahabhoota):-

1) Earth 2) Air 3) Fire 4) Water 5) Space

If it is in balanced form, Then these five Fundamental elements give rise to three different energies known as Doshas.

These three Doshas are –

1) Vata doshas 2) pitta doshas 3) kapha doshas

1) Vata doshas – it is the combination air and space elements.

2) Pitta doshas– it is the combination of fire and water elements.

3) Kapha doshas– it is the combination of water and earth elements. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

When three Doshas are in balanced form then human body is healthy but as soon as it becomes unbalanced it gives rise to diseases.

So Ayurveda try to maintain and balance three Doshas when it becomes unbalanced. Before treatment their is very important to

understand about three Doshas clearly and completely because according to ayurvedic sastra treatment on the basis of three doshas.

These three Doshas is consider as pillar of human body because it is the creation, situation and destruction of the body.

Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits . Ayurveda medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems and its products prepared by herbs,

leaves, minerals, extracts of the trees and plants etc. Adding in Ayurveda products. Their is no side effects of Ayurveda medicine.

It works properly on disease and cure. Its products are available in the form of capsule, powder, liquid, oils etc.

Origination of Ayurveda :-

The god of Ayurveda consider Dhanvantari ji who is incarnation of lord Visnu ji. Ayurveda come from Sanskrit word ayur it’s means life and

Veda that is knowledge of science (science of life). Their are four Veda in Hindu religion which is ocean of science knowledge.

Ayurveda came from Atharva Veda. You can say that part of Athrva Veda, Also about medicinal plant and disease mention in Ring veda.

History of Ayurveda :-

According to archaeologist the four Vedas are World oldest books. Various religious scholars assumed that its creation is a million years ago.

Ayurveda is Upvedas of Atharva Veda (part of Atharva Veda) and also about disease and its treatment mentioned in Ring Vedas. Assumed

that origination of Ayurveda with birth of human. This proves that its antiquity. It has revealed from the scriptures that foremost Ayurveda

originated from India and its father assume that Lord Dhanvantari who is incarnation of lord Visnu ji. It asssume that the lord Dhanvantari was first tell

about Ayurveda to everyone that’s why he call as the father of Ayurveda. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

The gods had given the knowledge of medicals practice to the greatest sages on this earth for the welfare of mankind out of which it assumes

that Ashwini Kumar was first given the knowledge of this. Apart from this, there were other Acharyas who had knowledge of this Vidya like Chywan ,

Agastya, Sushrut,Charak, Atri and his six disciples (Agnivesh, Bhed ,Latukarn, Parashar ,Sirpani, Harit ). According to tradition, Ashwini Kumar suppose

that Adhi acharya of Ayurveda who attached the head of a goat to the torso of Daksha Prajapati . In this way he had done many miraculous healings.

It is such an ancient Indian medical system that many great men have been writing for centuries. But till date the prevailing articles on

Ayurveda are Charak, Sanhita,Sushrut Sanhita and Vagbhat Sanhita.

Many sages and great sages have taken birth in India, who have written their code to guide the whole world with their knowledge, one of which is

Ayurveda scripture when there are deformities in our body due to some reason. Its diagnosis present, in there three Sanhitas are still famous and popular,

1) Sushruta 2) Charaka and 3) Vagbhata.

The name of Maharishi Agrivesha Praneeth Kayachikitsa is Charaka Samhita and the name of surgical system as prescribed by Lord Dhanvantari is Sushruta Samhita.

Both of these are the heritage of Ayurveda scriptures. In Charak Sanhita,about the principles of health protection, measures to cure diseases mension.

The Ashtanga Sangrah of Vagbhata Rishi is such a text in which the first time, the facts which had left out in the astanghridym ,which had been reaffirmed in it.

\Kayachikitsa is an important part in Ashtangahridayam, and he has divided his text into six asthana like Sushruta.Ashtangasangraha consider as the body form of

Ayurveda and Ashtangahiradyam considere as the heart. There is no mention of Tantra Vidya in Ashtangahridayam, whereas it mention in Ashtangasangraha.

1. Acharya Sushrut :-

Sushrut sanhita is one of the three fundamental texts whose Rachaita is Acharya sushrut.

Acharya sushrut who is known as the father of surgery in the world .He did practical on surgery very elaborately and was successful.It is believed that

he bornt in 6th century Bc and father of sage sushrut is sage viswamitra and mother Madhvi.when he grew up in banaras,his father took him to kasi king Devdas.

In such a way he completed his education but his interest was more in surgery.One day it happened that a child whose name is Virechak whose finger got separated from his hand then Acharya sushrut succeeded in rejoining the finger.

In this way his knowledge was growing even faster as the Virechak had said and why would it not happen, because King Deodas given initial education to him ,

who was a very knowledgeable king in Ayurveda and in this way he did a lot of research then wrote a book in Sanskrit language whose name is sushrut sanhita in which detailed information of shelya chikitsa.There are 120 chapters in main part of this book which describes the different types of cell therapy and

the appendix part was named Uttara Tantra in which knowledge of healing of the body has been given. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

He has told about a lot of equipment which are used in cell therapy . There is no infection, so he also told that heat it in strong fire. In sushrut sanhita,

Acharya sushrut written a plenty of surgery like cosmetic, cataract operation in ophthalmology, also delivery by operation, mending broken bones,

removal of stones found in the urinary tract etc. He has also known that if the flesh of any part of the body cut then to cure it, by cutting the flesh of other part

of the body and replacing that wound. He mentioned about eight types of surgery in his sanhita-

1. Chhedh krm (for piercing)

2. Bhedh krm (To penetrate)

3. Lekhya krm (To separate)

4.vedhya krm (To remove harmful substances from the body)

5. Yeshya krm (To find the wound in the pulse)

6. Aharya krm (To remove harmful product)

7. Vishrawya krm (To remove the liquid)

8. Sivya krm (To sew wounds)

He believed that practical practice is more necessary in salya kriya with theoretical knowledge. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

He adviced that it is suitable to use fine yarn, flax, silk etc for stitching wounds and skin surgeries and for bandaging flax, wool, silk, cotton,bark of trees etc are suitable. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

2.Charaka Rishi –

Charak was a great Indian Maharsi who wrote an Ayurveda granth whose name is charak sanhita in which mentioned curative medicine and also mentioned uses of loha, silver and gold bhasma etc.Acharya charak have not only Ayurveda knowledge rather he is also knowable in all sastra. He said own his sanhita that human can keep good health by Regular routine. However, their is no information about his date of birth, place of birth and parents name aren’t present anywhere. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

He did special work on the diagnosis of disease and emphasized. He said take any food according to season by which our body is able to consume completely and in this way tridoshas remains balanced, which is very important to stay healthy. It is in Sanskrit is believed that the Charak sanhita was composed even before 2nd century. Its preceptors are Atriputra Punarvasu, author is Agnivesha and Pratisamskara charaka. It has eight parts which names ‘Ashtanga Sthanas’ (Sutra,Nidana,vimana,sarira,indriya,chikitsa,kalpa & siddha). Each ‘Sthan’ (you can say classification) has several chapters whose total number is 120.

1) Sutrasthana -Basic principles

2) Nidana Sthana -Pathology

3) Vimana Sthana – Specific determination

4)Shareera Sthana – Anatomy

5) Indriya Sthana – Sensory organ based prognosis

6) Chikitsa Sthana – Therapeutics

7) Kalpsthana – pharmaceutics and toxicology

9) Siddhi Sthana – Success in treatment

He told that health has been termed as great happiness because it gives us right wisdom, strength, happy and long life. In this sanhita principle related to human body that how it works and a lot of symptoms of disease, and its treatment also declare. How should human have regular routine, at what time how much food should take and which type of food to keep the body healthy. He wrote about diet it’s mean which type of diet prevent disease. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

3.Acharya Vagbhata –

Maharishi Vagbhata is a great teacher of Indian Ayurvedic medicine who wrote famous granth of Ayurveda is Astangahridayam and Astangasahgrah. He bornt in Sindhu country and his father name is Sidadhgupt. He belongs to Bodh religion that’s why Buddism had a deep influence in his life and often the use of Buddhist principles found here.Achraya Vagbhata included eight parts of Ayurveda in his sanhita. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

Astangahridayam – Ashtangahridayam is a collection text in which examples of Charaka, Sushruta, Ashtangasangraha and many other ancient Ayurvedic texts mention.In this book mentioned about surgery, medicine,Kay chikitsa etc and eight part of the Ayurveda elaborately. He said that just as the heart is predominant in the body, similarly the Astangahridayam is like the heart in Ayurveda. In this sanhita total six part and 120 chapters are present.

The six sections are as follows-

1) Sutrasthana 2) Sharirasthana 3) Nidanaasthana 4) Chikitsaasthana . 5) Kalpasthana 6) Utarasthana

This sanhita is the combination of charak sanhita and sushrut sanhita.In this text the medicine of all diseases, method and medicine description of panchakarma, child’s diseases, ghost science and mental disease etc recommed. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

4. Astangasahgrah –

This is the last sanhita related to Ayurveda of the Gupta period. Vikram Acharya ji has written that without reading Ashtanga Sangraha,only reading Charak, sushrut does not give proper knowledge of Ayurveda.In fact the Astangasahgrah is a means of clarifying Charaka and Sushrut.Many scholars believe that without reading of Astangasahgrah, Charaka and Sushrut can not be taught. In this, the opinion of many Acharyas has been mentioned which is not found in any other sanhita like Kotilya,Chanakya,Narad are found in relation to Yogas.Apart from this, the opinion of different Acharyas is not found in any other as clearly as it is found in it. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

Many subject are also new in it like kukkuti,tapya etc there are new chemicals in it. Semen does not ejaculate by applying paste on the feet. This type of treatment is seen for the first time I this book. In this book mentioned about jwar, jirn jwar, breathing related, vision disease, heart related etc similarly, many diseases are mentioned in it and its treatment. In this, the routine of human beings has been told, in which age what kind of routine should be followed and if all human beings adopt this routine then they will never get sick. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

Benefits of ayurvedic medicine

There are many benefits of ayurvedic medicine –

1. It is made from herbs, plants, leaves, flowers, fruits, roots you can say that part of plants and all are related to nature, so it doesn’t put side effect on human body.

2. Ayurveda increase immunity, resistance power, promote health and it provides good lifestyle.

3. Unhealthy people will take this medicine, but it can also be taken by healthy people like triphala powder, giloy decoction (kada)

4. Ayurveda not only cures disease completely but also prevents the disease from coming.

5. It cures even the most serious diseases which sometimes seems impossible. Introduction To Ayurveda & Its Benefits

6. It is easily available because some medicinal plants are present around us.


(Ankush Verma)

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